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May 19, 2012

Success or Failure?!?!?!

Today has been pretty productive so far, I got my mowing done and started laundry, but I think the rest of the day I will take easy. We are due at Shaun's brothers at 5 when Shaun gets off work. Should be fun, the kids will get to fish and there are always great laughs to be had when we all get together.

On and exciting note, I received the rest of my supplies for the bracelets I am going to make. I am a little nervous though because I have never made jewelry before. This will be an interesting learning experience for me, it also has the potential to be a disaster. I have a tendency to obsess over things, and I have caught myself doing it already, being a perfectionist does have it's down falls.

The first bracelets I am making are gifts for my mother as well as Shaun's, so I will not allow myself to fail at this, and it will have to be "perfect" for me to be happy with it. This trait kinda annoys some people but you know what they say, "if you're going to do it, then you better do it right" (or pretend really well).

If anyone has made soldered jewelry I am open for any tips you may have. This is a first for me, and even though I know how to solder, soldering pipes and soldering something that is supposed to look wonderful are two entirely different things. So any tips or suggestions are completely welcome.

I am signing off for a bit to at least attempt to get farther with this project, and be ready for some pictures as soon as I am finished. I am TOTALLY excited about this!!!!


May 17, 2012

Pure Inspiration! A MUST READ!!

I was surfing the web today and came across a very touching story, that quite literally brought tears to my eyes. I read his story and visited his facebook support page, and was even more touched by so many people who have never met this little boy (like myself) who were touched and showing support.

His name is Blake Loudenber and he needs a kidney immediately and all he and his family can do at this point is wait!

 Blake is  9 years old, him and his family live in Griffith, Indiana. Blake has been waiting for a second kidney transplant for the last 7 years. He was born with polycystic kidney disease and has been on dialysis since he was 3 weeks old. Without a kidney immediately Blake will be stuck at the size of a five year old for the rest of his life.Blake's condition is life threatening and he has not been able to live a normal life, let alone have a childhood, run and play with the other kids, or even take a simple bath due to his debilitating disease.

After reading his story I sat for a little bit and thought about my own boys. I could never imagine seeing them not the healthy, fun loving children they are. What would most parents do if faced with such a devastating situation and not being able to do anything to fix it. I know I couldn't do it, I always tell my kids that "mommy can fix anything" and I do whatever it takes to do just that. I admire Blake's family for the strength they have, and if you just look at this sweet boys face you can see the strength in his eyes.

It is children like Blake, fighters, those that know life is unfair but face every day with a smile, that make this world a great place. I am asking that everyone take a moment and bow your head and say a prayer for sweet Blake, support his family because everyone needs lifting up. You can visit Blake's support page by going to A Miracle for Blake. I am adding A Miracle for Blake button on my page that will link directly to the website, and am working a blog button that you will be able to grab and share. Please share this story, lets make a difference in Blake's life, lets help him be a kid! 


Dull and boring (for the most part)

It has been a very unproductive day for me to, in a way that is. I had an interview this morning for an Animal Control Officer position our city has open. Then Maleya and I came home and I tried to talk her into going outside to play so I could mow the yard, but she kept telling me, "mommy I need to paint, mowing is your job". Well she is right I suppose, mowing is my job so instead of mowing we stayed inside and she painted, she is a regular Picaso! Here is what she created and now holds a place of honor on the fridge.


Princess Maleya prevails again, after she painted we just pretty much hung out, but I did do some reading today and I read about a little boy today from Indiana and I was so touched, please watch for his story that I will be posting about soon as well as the link to his facebook support page.


May 16, 2012

Just some thoughts running through my head!

Well since I have only just started let me give you some background as to why I decided to do this. It isn't out of lack of anything to do, if you know me then you know that already. My initial reason was to help other people understand my son and to see the challenges he faces everyday. I will give you some background about this topic in a moment but before I do I want to make sure that one thing is understood. I am NOT complaining by any means. I love him more then anyone could imagine and I enjoy his quirks, obsessions, imagination, humor, hell everything about the boy ( with the exception of maybe the meltdowns ). The purpose of this post is help other people who may know him understand him and see past the things that they initially judge as negative and see the gorgeous, caring creative child inside. The part of him that he hides and protects because honestly some people can be cruel.

Now a little background, Kaden is a spirited child (I am going to leave his diagnosis out for now), but he is what some people have call different, altho I do not feel that their "different" label is accurate. He is extremely intelligent, which can make some repetitive tasks a challenge, he is full of energy and so creative and inventive. On a day to day basis, he fills me on the ever changing elaborate plan for his life, starting with being a sniper in the army to the present plan of find extraordinary creatures and having a farm in Florida (he would prefer albino creatures). His creativity knows no bounds, i am amazed everyday at the things he invents in his mind. A lot of which are pretty cool if I don't say so myself.

Well I am going to stop here, and i will post again later and maybe touch on this subject again (maybe not), and my hopes for this blog aside from just ranting and raving at times, is to help the world to see the amazing child he is (and other children like him), and to maybe help other parents who just may be in the same place we are. It's a journey every day but it is exciting to say the least!


May 15, 2012

It's about time!!!!

Whew, I think I am finally to a point that I can start blogging. I decided to start a blog several months ago, what took me so long you ask? Well sit down and I will tell you about it.

When I start a project I start a PROJECT. So I started searching the web for tips and help on how to design a blog, and then I try and search some more. My kids and boyfriend would tell you that I get obsessive, I like to call it thorough. So it has taken me several months (on and off of course) to get it to a point that I was happy enough with it to start writing. So here I AM!! Please do not be alarmed if when you come back to read my rantings that everything has changed, that's a character highlight I have. If you would like some ideas or need some amazing tutorials just head over to my Blog Roll and you will find some of the wonderful blogs that inspired and helped me.

You may notice that the project and tutorial pages are empty, they are still a work in progress. I will soon be adding posts about things I am doing or making and tutorials for those who want to give it a try.

I know this is a short post to start with but I just wanted to get out there and break the ice, the real blogging starts tomorrow.
